Sunday 31 August 2014

Lesson gone Great! at Machang 1 with Nor Amiza

Co-teaching is just plain fun!  But when it goes just right and the students really learn and have fun then that is the stuff that makes teaching GREAT!

The lesson started off good then turned exciting when we let the students turn their "answer a few questions" into a dialog they would have on a mobile using WhatsApp or Line.  They really got into it.  In the end they proudly displayed their work and celebrated the work of their classmates.

Co-teaching with Nor Amiza at Machang 1's Tahun 3 Delima...have a look.

They love their teacher!

They are really into it!


A great teacher in action...a beautiful sight!

Admiring their classmates' work

Mentor Emmy with this bright bunch!

Ta-da !!!

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